Creating Your Winter Holistic Medicine Cabinet

As winter moves in, so too come the symptoms; cough, flu, winter blues.

Instead of reaching for the over-the-counters full of nasty ingredients, let's prepare for winter in a traditional and holistic way that honors our innate ability to heal.

I believe that true healing doesn't begin when symptoms start, it is a series of daily choices. However, it is important to keep a few key items in your holistic medicine cabinet in preparation for when those symptoms do finally begin.

Here is a quick list of my winter holistic medicine cabinet must-haves:

Herbs - Psalm 104:14 says that God gave "herb for the service of man." Herbs can be used in so many ways to support both chronic and acute symptoms. Herbal teas are a great way to quickly dose plant medicine when symptoms arise. I recommend making a list of the symptoms your family regularly experiences during the winter season, and choosing herbs and preparations that support those symptoms. You can check out my herbal shop for inspiration, as well as Mountain Rose Herbs for bulk herbs or pre-made herbal preparations.

There are a few key herbs I like to keep on hand during the winter season to support the most common symptoms during that season. This is not an exhaustive list, but these could easily get you through the season:





Lemon Balm




White Willow Bark



*not recommended for those with an autoimmune issue

In addition to loose herbs to make tea, or pre-made medicinal tea blends, I also recommend having herbal tinctures, topical oils, and salves for various symptoms, injuries, and issues. I turn to herbal options first for literally any symptom or injury that arises!

ginger root

Raw Honey - It's no secret that honey has incredible medicinal benefits, but not all honey is equal. Raw, unfiltered, and unpasteurized honey contains antibiotic, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. Honey has been known to suppress cough, support a more restful sleep, and even reduce pathogen growth when used topically. Raw honey is also highly nutritive, containing a variety of vitamins and trace minerals!

My family uses honey raw honey daily in the evening to support sleep, but during the winter months we take an additional spoonful to increase antioxidants and support our immune systems. We also utilize fermented honey and garlic in place of antibiotics for viral infections and more!

Potatoes & Onions - These root veggies have long been used to suppress various symptoms of cold and flu. For instance, a thin slice of onion can be placed on the sole of the foot overnight, covered with a sock, to suppress cough. Onions can also be used in the same way to support detox of various organs. Similarly, thin sliced potatoes have also been used to clear various symptoms of illness.

Garlic - Raw garlic has been proven to ease the symptoms of cold and flu, and prolonged use has shown to reduce recurrent bouts of symptoms. I typically make a fermented syrup by infusing raw garlic in honey and dosing by the teaspoon for the whole family when we experience symptoms like cough, sore throat, mucous, runny nose, sluggishness, and general impaired immunity. Garlic has also been shown to boost digestive function, reduce cholesterol and blood pressure, and can even be used topically to clear infected wounds.

Ginger - Similarly to garlic, ginger has also been shown to increase immune function and support symptoms of cold and flu. Additionally, ginger has many anti-inflammatory properties that may reduce general pain. It can also be used to ease symptoms like nausea and digestive discomfort, among other things. If you're new to using ginger, it can be tricky to find the preparation that suits you best. I typically prefer to cook with it or include ground ginger in my teas, but you can also use a tincture if you need something quick.

Sea Salt - Real sea salt should be considered a super food. It is naturally high in bioavailable trace minerals like sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and more, which support every cellular function in your body. Sea salt can also be used to ease symptoms of sore throat, muscle cramps, and more. I use a sea salt concentrate daily in addition to using it regularly when cooking to support electrolyte balance.

Vitamin C - Vitamin C is one of the most immune supporting antioxidant. During the winter months, Vitamin C can be a bit scarce in the diets of people living in the northern states where ripe fruit and veggies dwindle. We regularly supplement Vitamin C as a way to balance bio-available copper and increase immune function, but we also increase our daily dose when symptoms of cold and flu hit! I recommend a whole foods supplement like THIS one for completely bio-available Vitamin C. Use code BEET10 at the link to take 10% off.

Castor Oil - While castor oil is no long recommended for internal use unless advised by a medical professional, topical castor oil usage has countless medicinal benefits. Castor oil has been shown to improve lymphatic function, boost immunity, increase blood flow, treat topical infections, ease constipation, reduce symptoms of PMS, improve hair and skin health, and so much more! I use castor oil topically on a regular basis in my hair and skin routine, as well as during lymphatic release. Castor oil liver and thyroid packs are also a great way to support organ function, increase detox-ability, improve sleep, and balance hormones.

Homeopathic Remedies - My family typically turns to homeopathic remedies for severe acute symptoms, or lingering symptoms that just won't budge. Homeopathic remedies come in many forms, but I prefer the Ollois remedies. They're made with organic ingredients, and are super easy to dose for the whole family! I recommend having a few of their remedies kits on hand so when symptoms strike you won't have to think about which remedies to choose. You can use the code BEETS to take 15% off at the links above!

medicinal herbs

Other Considerations - If you rely on a wood stove or fireplace to heat your home in the winter, I recommend utilizing a humidifier to reduce the dryness that comes with regular fire use.

I also recommend keeping your medicine cabinet stocked with your favorite non-toxic bandaids, like THESE, alcohol, peroxide, and any regularly-used first aid supplies!

You can also find more of my favorite home wellness and supplement supports in my Amazon Storefront!

Supporting your family holistically during the winter months doesn't have to be scary! When winter strikes, take a breath and remember what you have on hand that can support your body's ability to heal naturally.

And as always, make sure to seek allopathic care when you feel it's the right time. Holistic and allopathic medicine can go hand-in-hand, so don't be afraid to reach out for help when you need it.

Leave me your favorite holistic remedy in the comments!


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The Ultimate Guide to Steeping Herbal Teas